Liquid Biopsy Project

The objective of this project is the early detection of second cancers in patients with hereditary retinoblastoma.

Patients affected by hereditary retinoblastoma may suffer second cancers during their lifetime. This fact causes concern and discomfort among patients and their families, due to the uncertainty of a medium-term future.

With this research, it will be possible to personalize patient follow-up in the medium to long term, using genetic techniques.

Specifically, a liquid biopsy test based on a blood test will be designed, allowing early detection of second tumors. A sample of survivors will be taken to provide clinical and epidemiological data on the real cumulative risk of second malignancies in the long term. Once the possible second malignancies have been characterized by genomic analysis, an appropriate tool will be designed considering the whole spectrum of tumors.

The project is promoted by the Fundació La Nineta dels Ulls and led by Eduard Serra and Bernat Gel, researchers from the Hereditary Cancer Research Group of the Germans Trias y Pujol Research Institute. Clinical researchers with experience in the clinical management of retinoblastoma patients in different hospitals in Spain and Latin America also participate.

Research issues

Eduard Serra / Bernat Gel

Hereditary Cancer research group /

Organization issues

Carme Julià

President NDU Foundation

+34 675430736

Funded by the Fundació La Nineta dels Ulls with the help of:

Fundación PortAventura

Click on the logo to see the last news

Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras and Fundación FEDER

Project beneficiary of the VII Call for research grants from Fundación Feder.

Thank-you video to the PortAventura Foundation where we explain briefly the project (in spanish):


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