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Entities involved in retinoblastoma:
Entities and companies with whom we have signed a collaboration agreement that allows us to grow and give visibility to our project.
Òptica & Audiologia Universitària
Discount for friends of the foundation of 10%.
Xalet de Prades
Creation of the solidarity lodging, campaign of diffusion of the disease and promotion of the foundation in social networks.
Golf Costa Daurada
Solidarity tournament in favor of the foundation, campaign to spread awareness of the disease and promotion of the foundation in social networks.
Know the glow
Working together in global campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of ocular pathologies.
Participation in the day of superheroines and superheroes, dissemination of the Foundation's campaigns on the social networks.
Ambulàncies del Tarragonès
Discount in the organization of solidarity events sponsored by the Foundation.
GLS Spain
Discount on shipping orders.
Convenio entre las dos entidades.