Global retinoblastoma study

An article has been published today in The Lancet Global Health by The Global Retinoblastoma Study Group. In this, the outcome of 4064 retinoblastoma patients from 149 countries over 3 years are analyzed. 260 centers from all over the world have participated (also Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, with Dr. Català, Dr. Correa and Dr. Chantada). The data corresponds to patients diagnosed between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. It is estimated that the sample represents half of the retinoblastoma patients diagnosed worldwide during 2017.

The results show that in high-income countries, retinoblastoma is almost 100% curable, while in low-income countries, survival after 3 years is only 50%.

The study shows the inequality in the prognosis of retinoblastoma according to the country of origin and highlights the need for national and international action to develop high-quality childhood cancer programs that improve survival and reduce patient suffering.

We, the NDU Foundation, promote the development of an application for the early detection of retinoblastoma, which will undoubtedly contribute to improving detection globally.

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