first transnational meeting of the European project

The first transnational meeting of the European project that we lead at the foundation “EUROPEAN DIGITAL CAMPS FOR THE INCLUSION OF YOUTH WITH RETINOBLASTOMA: spaces for digital and social construction of youth with retinoblastoma in Europe” took place on 22nd November. A project included in the Erasmus+ programme and co-financed by the European Union”.

The meeting took place in the facilities of the Rovira y Virgili University of Tarragona, which kindly lent us its spaces. The meeting was attended by 2 representatives of ZAvod Botter (Slovenia), 1 representative of Artistas du Monde (Belgium), 1 representative of Small Codes (Italy), 1 representative of Intress (Barcelona), 2 representatives of Redtree (Valencia) and 2 representatives of La Nineta dels Ulls Foundation.

The meeting began with the presentation of the different entities and thus, to promote knowledge. Then the project and its planning were presented and we ended up defining the role and tasks of each entity in the project.

The meeting ended with a lunch for all the representatives and we agreed to meet virtually in the different meetings planned and to meet again in person next October 2024 in Florence.

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